After finishing his exams, The Guru is taking the opportunity to do a bit of housekeeping – and here are a couple of things you might want to know before the end of the year.
If you missed out on grad recruitment for next year, get a step ahead on the new cattle call – start preparing for those grad positions that will open for 2011 vacancies.
- What is a grad program? We have a blog posting on it, simply search through the ‘Archive’ on the right >>>>>>>>>>
- Grad programs for 2011 can open as early as January
- Get your resume up-to-date and checked over by Careers Service – we’re open up until the 18th of December, and after Christmas we return on the 6th January
- Come in for a mock-interview as practice - practice makes perfect!
- View our DVD on Assessment Centres/Group Interviews
Uni Jobs
Want to make a career in an Australian university? There are many different roles that make a university function, including in administration, academia, research and media.
Job seekers can visit the ‘UniJobs’ website to search, find, compare and apply for university jobs throughout Australia.
Visit www.unijobs.com.au/careers for more details.
Links on e-mails
If links on CareerHub newsletter that you receive fortnightly don’t work, you would perhaps like to try an email which uses html formatting, because it is the Studentmail system that is causing the problem. To change the email address that your CareerHub newsletter is sent to, look in the ‘my details’ section of your CareerHub page.
Cooling off after exams
The University's Counselling Service has many different ideas for relaxation. Click here to view meditation techniques.
Meditation courses will also be run by the Counselling Service in 2010. Visit http://www.newcastle.edu.au/service/counselling/ to check if dates are up.