In July, 1946, the bikini is introduced, in July 1977 Martin Luther King Jr. is posthumously awarded the Medal of Freedom and in July, 1985 doctors discover a cancerous growth in President Reagan's colon. Imagine what YOU can achieve in July, 2009?
The mid-semester break is now approaching (in July, obviously), and this year you have 4 whole weeks off! Why not make the most of it and think about doing some work experience?
During the economic downturn, different organisations have different numbers of positions available. So why not give yourself the best chance at making your resume shine?
There are many different options; you could spend just two weeks of your break undertaking work experience and the rest of your holidays wishing you didn't know anything about a former American President's colon.
Finding that work experience:
A bit stuck as you don’t know any organisations that handle careers in your area of study? Try these places for employers in your field of study:
- CareerHub - Check the 'Links' section
- The Yellow Pages
- Professional associations - They may have job vacancy listings on their websites
- Advertised positions (Online; company websites; professional journals and newspapers)
- News Items
Once you've got a vague idea, here’s what to do:
* Speak to your Faculty or School (start with your lecturer – they should be able to recommend possible contacts): your faculty might even have a placement convenor;
* Find an organisation that is willing to take you on for the holidays - making sure the organisation specialises in work that is within your field of study. Don't be scared of phone calls and e-mails, the worst an organisation can say is "no";
* Click here for all of the insurance details, plus a downloadable work experience insurance request form.
Please note: The University will cover insurance costs, except for work experience in the field of medicine.
If this isn't going smoothly for you, come and visit us at the Careers Service in the Student Services building and we’ll talk it over to help you in your search.
Please note: The comments tab is designed to either just comment or engage in peer discussion. For any questions directed at the Careers Service staff, e-mail studentservices@newcastle.... (which is the careers service) or book an appointment to talk with a careers counsellor via CareerHub (http://careerhub.newcastle.edu.au)
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