Confucius said, "Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life." The Guru would have said it but he was too busy chowing down on Snappy Tom.
Although the above words from Confucius are not entirely true – as even dream jobs can be hard work – it is still going to make your life much easier if you are doing something you enjoy.
As a broad guide to setting goals or achievements, try following this advice:
* Make a list
* Check it twice (Santa has the right idea here)
* Note the skills that apply to each
* Internet research – who is involved, where will it get you, how will you get there
* List people/work contacts who you can contact to help you achieve your goal
* Reach those goals, one by one!
So how do you win your dream job? Start a checklist of achievement!
When you spot that dream job:
Make sure your skills and experience fit the job
Keep your resume concise and informative (come to the Careers Service to get it looked over if you like)
Follow all directions for lodging your application
If you don’t hear back, wait a few days before following up
Be polite and friendly if you do call
Prepare answers for the questions likely to come up
Practice phone interviews and speaking aloud
Arrive early for your interview, ready, fresh and alert
Bring your resume and identifications
Send the interviewer a thank you e-mail
(Source: http://www.burstmagazine.com.au/ 2009, p.21)
For all those who saw the film “The Bucket List”, remember when Morgan Freeman tells Jack Nicholson to Find the Joy ? Perhaps you could heed the same advice. Or if you thought this film was dreadful, picture some inspiring words or themes from your favourite movie.
Career paths can be full of stepping stones that may not be as ‘joyful’ as others, but at the end of the day a job takes up most of your conscious hours so you may as well enjoy it, right?!
Career paths can be full of stepping stones that may not be as ‘joyful’ as others, but at the end of the day a job takes up most of your conscious hours so you may as well enjoy it, right?!
Click on the image below to read what the National President of the Career Development Association has to say about getting the ultimate career.

Success is achieving the results you desire. Are you frustrated because you are not achieving those results? Are you looking for a way to improve your results and achieve your dreams and goals? There are some basic actions and attitudes that you should possess in order to achieve the results you desire.
These are some from motivational author Pat Anderson.
WARNING: They can get a little fluffy – but just take the essence of it!
1. Don't expect to coast through life! Results require effort.
2. Work with excellence. Excellence will bring you satisfaction in a job done to the best of your ability and excellence rewards you with fulfilled desires.
3. Be tenacious. Live your life in a way that can't be stopped. Prove you are the person that gives your all to every endeavour.
4. Be courageous. When the going gets tough be strong and determined, don't let the tough times get you down.
5. Your attitude matters. Have an attitude of pushing through. Have an attitude of winning.
6. Don't be waiting for a handout. When you go after something you get the blessing of the work of your hands.
7. How much effort are you willing to give? Will you give your all? Will you be whole-hearted in your effort?
8. Identify the results you are pushing for. Know the end reward.
9. Have a well-thought out plan.
As you apply and improve these key principles in your uni and work life you will be well on the road to achieving your success and seeing improved results.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Getting-the-Results-You-Desire?-Your-Checklist-For-Improving-Your-Performance&id=2391076
Please share your stories and comments, but be aware that the comments section is designed to either just comment or to engage in peer discussion. For any questions directed at the Careers Service staff, e-mail studentemployment@newcastle.edu.au (this is the careers service) or book an appointment with a careers advisor at CareerHub.
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