The Guru wishes you good luck with all of your exams and final assessments – he’ll meet you on the beach for some sun baking…
Congratulations to all of you for reaching the end of semester! Exams will soon be behind you and many of you will be thinking about work. Please remember that the Careers Service is open even after your classes finish for the Christmas break. The only time we close is between December 18 and January 6.
Come and visit us before December 18 or after January 6 to get your resume checked, do practice job interviews and learn all about the job application process. Bookings to see a Careers Advisor can be made via Careerhub or email studentemployment@newcastle.edu.au.
Also, something to think about while you’re relaxing with a cold beverage is that every person you meet is a potential network, so chat with your friends and acquaintances and who knows, they might know someone who works in your field of study. Email them, find out what they do and where they work. These connections are always helpful for work experience and you know what they say,
It’s not what you know it’s who you know! (Or maybe a bit of both!)
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